Spring is right around the corner and if you keep your aircraft outdoors you may want to "button up" for the warmer weather. Birds, insects and other critters like to make nests in the spring when nests are built to hatch their offspring or prepare for the summer season. Engine compartments, fuselage cavities are inviting targets especially for birds, but any small opening can be inviting for a wasp or bee colony. Prepare by "plugging up your holes", engine inlet cowl plugs are available for nearly every make and model, custom fit for your aircraft. You can also plug your aircraft on a budget by cutting pieces of sponge or making your own covers or plugs for the holes and openings in your airplane.
When the birds come to build a nest; we have seen them set up shop in less than one hour.
While this may seem like a great deal of work and some of these custom plugs are expensive.... having the shop clean a bird's nest from your airplane, or a fire caused by straw burning in your engine compartment is much more expensive. Also, remember to take these items out on your next preflight before you go up.